Litteratur om EMDR

EMDR-terapi : teori och praktik Bergh Johannesson, K., Studentlitteratur, 2023.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (Emdr) Therapy, Third Edition: Basic Principles, Protocols, and Procedures Shapiro, F., Guildford Press, New York, 2017.

EMDR – The Breakthrough Therapy For Overcoming Anxiety, Stress, And Trauma Francine Shapiro, PhD and Margot Silk Forrest. BasicBooks, New York, 1997.

EMDR i klinisk praktik Royle, L., Kerr, C., 2012.

EMDR Toolbox Knipe, J. 2018.

EMDR as an Integrative Psychotherapy Approach:?Experts of Diverse Orientations Explore the Paradigm Prism

Francine Shapiro, PhD (Editor). American Psychological Association Books, 2002.

EMDR in Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy Greenwald, R.. Aronson, J., New Jersey, 1999.

EMDR and Psychotherapy Integration Lipke, H., CRC Press LLC, Florida, 2000.

EMDR in the Treatment of Adults Abused as Children Parnell, L., Norton Professional Books, New York, 1999.

EMDR Casebook Expanded 2nd Edition Edited by Manfield, P. New York, Norton Professional Books, 1998.

Light in the Heart of Darkness? EMDR and the Treatment of War and Terrorism Survivors

Silver, S., Rogers, S.. Norton Professional Books, New York, 2001.

Small Wonders. Healing Childhood Trauma with EMDR Lovett, J. The Free Press, New York, 1999.

Litteratur om EMDR och terapi med barn

Through The Eyes of a Child. EMDR with Children Tinker, R H., Wilson, S.. Norton Professional Books, New York, 1999.

Transforming Trauma: EMDR. Parnell, L. Norton Professional Books, New York, 1997.

Trauma in the Lives of Children Johnson, K. Hunter House, 1998.

Handbook of EMDR and Family Therapy Processes Shapiro, F (ed), Kaslow, F, Maxfield, L. 2007

Healing the Heart of Trauma and Dissociation with EMDR and Ego State Therapy Forgash C., Copeley, M., Springer, 2008.

Annan litteratur

Kroppen håller räkningen : hjärna, sinne och kropp vid läkning efter psykiskt trauma Van der Kolk, B. Akademius. 2021.

Psykoterapi vid Dissociativa störningar Gerge, A. (red), 2010

Psykotraumatologi Michel, P-O (red), (2018)

Transkulturell psykiatri Bäärnhielm (red) Kliniska riktlinjer för utredning och behandling. Svenska psykiatriska föreningen och Gothia fortbildning AB, 2018