Vårens studiedagar 23-24/4 2022: EMDR och sorg
23 april, 2022: 09:00 - 24 april, 2022: 16:00
Varmt välkomna till vårens studiedagar i föreningens regi i Stockholm 23-24/4 2022!
Temat är EMDR och sorg, och föreläser gör den amerikanske EMDR trainern Roger Solomon.
Plats: Westmanska palatset, Holländargatan 17, Stockholm. OBS workshopen genomförs på plats!
Tider: Lördag 23/4 registrering 9-9.30. Workshop 9.30 – 17, årsmöte 13-14. Söndag 9-16.
Anmälan: https://emdr2022.axacoair.se/
Sista anmälningsdag 5/4. Se nedan för info om workshopen.
Om föreläsaren och workshopen:
Roger Solomon, Ph.D., is a psychologist specializing in trauma and grief. He is the Program Director and Senior Faculty with the EMDR Institute, and EMDR Europe approved trainer, and teaches EMDR therapy internationally. He currently is a consultant with the US Senate, and has provided services to numerous first responder agencies following traumatic incidents, including the FBI, Secret Service, NASA, US Attorneys Office, and US Army. For over 40 years he has worked with families of first responders killed in the line of duty. In Italy he consults with Polizia di Stato and University of Rome (La Sapienza), and is a visiting professor at Salesiana University in Rome. Along with teaching basic EMDR therapy workshops internationally, Dr. Solomon presents workshops on the “Utilization of EMDR with grief and mourning”, “Art of EMDR Therapy” , “Utilization of EMDR with first responders, and “Utilization of EMDR with Complex Trauma and Dissociation.” Dr. Solomon has authored or coauthored 47 articles and book chapters pertaining to EMDR therapy, grief, complex trauma and dissociation, acute trauma and law enforcement stress.
His most recent publication (co-authored with Barbara Hensley ) focused on EMDR treatment of grief and mourning in times of Covid-19. He has a forthcoming book on utilization of EMDR therapy with grief and mourning. This book will first be published in Italian (April 2022, Lutto e EMDR: Dalla diagnosi all’intervento clinico) and later in English and Spanish.