Vårens digitala studiedag: EMDR och psykosomatik
26 mars, 2021: 09:00 - 16:30
Vårens studiedag blir en spännande dag med den italienska läkaren och psykoterapeuten Luca Ostacoli kring hur man kan jobba med EMDR vid psykosomatiska tillstånd.
”The seminar proposes a neurobiologically targeted approach to psychosomatic disorders centred on the brain-heart connection. We’ll show selected practices to screen the polyvagal state, and to regulate arousal in simple and effective ways and to process attachment failures. As an artist can play his best music only if he exploits the features of his musical instrument, so we believe that neurobiologically targeted EMDR therapy can increase the effectiveness of treatment.”
Anmäl dig här.
psychosomatic disorders 1 DAY WORKSHOP
Workshopen kommer att vara digital. Pris 900 kr för medlemmar i EMDR Sverige, och 1750 kr för icke-medlemmar.