Ordföranden i EMDR Turkiet har hört av sig till EMDR Europa med en rapport om läget i Turkiet efter jordbävningarna, och berättar om hur föreningen kan vara till hjälp i situationen som råder:Dear Isabel
It is a very good feeling to know that we are not alone and not without choices. Emergency teams from 67 countries are helping. In 1999 earthquake we were all almost hopeless. When the lights came back I contacted EMDR Institute and we immediately decided to begin the trainings which continued around two years. There on our lives radically changed.What makes this disaster the worst in the literature is that the whole fault-line covers 600 km including 10 cities of 13 Million people. Plus two earthquakes in 6 hours 7.7 and 7.6 power and 3 aftershocks around strength of 6.0. This is why the damage is too big.
We are acting with The Ministry of Family and Social Services and AFAD (Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency-A Government Agency). Most probably we will begin going to the area in a month, when the storm settles down. We will begin online therapy on Monday. By today around 1300 members of the EMDR Association have applied for voluntary service.
Next week we will share our plan with the Ministry and what we will need this year for t he Project will be clear by then.
We know that we will ask support from EMDR Europe which will make sure that the quality of the service we will give will be much better.
Thanks for your help.
Emre Konuk