Kära medlem i föreningen EMDR Sverige
Vi i styrelsen gläder oss över den positiva respons som lämnats i utvärderingar av vårens digitala studiedag med Luca Ostacoli. Förberedelserna var inte helt utan oro och lättnaden över att det fungerade så pass smidigt har nu sjunkit in.
Nu är även årsmötet avklarat och styrelsen har fått fortsatt förtroende att arbeta vidare med de uppgifter som finns presenterade i Verksamhetsplan för 2021.
Som tidigare efterfrågar vi era tankar och idéer om sådant som kan förbättras och vad ni, för att utvecklas som EMDR-terapeuter, saknar och behöver.
Det är nu hög tid att anmäla sig till EMDR-Europakonferensen som i år hålls digitalt. Du hittar länken till information och anmälan på föreningens hemsida under Utbildning > Utbildningar
På hemsidan hittar du också uppdaterad information under fliken Vad är EMDR? Likaså är Klientinformation under samma flik uppdaterad.
Nedan bifogas ett vidarebefordrat brev gällande en studie kring validering av en skala för klinisk handledning för den som kan tänka sig bidra.
Oxevik 14/5
För styrelsen
Maria Ranch, ordförande
Dear Maria Ranch,
The following people are involved in a worldwide research project concerning EMDR Clinical Supervision:
Dr. Derek Farrell, Lead Researcher, Worcester University UK
Professor Paul Miller – University of Ulster
Lorraine Knibbs – University of Bath Spa
Dr. Matthew Kiernan – Northumbria University
Zeynep Zat – Institute for Change, London & DBE Institute for Behavioural Studies, Istanbul, Turkey
Dr. Penny Papanikolpoulos & Tessa Ava Prattos-Spongalides – TACT Greece
Could you please forward the questionnaire to as many EMDR Therapists as you can? The explanation of what the research is about is the following:
TITLE OF PROJECT: Validation of the EMDR Therapy Clinical Supervision Scale (ECSS-42).
We are currently wishing to investigate the potential effectiveness of using the EMDR therapy Clinical Supervision Scale (ECSS-42). This is a 42-item scale to measure EMDR therapists’ experiences of EMDR Therapy Clinical Supervision.
Our goal is to:
- Test the ECSS-42 for fitness for purpose
- Test its robustness as a scale
- Test its overall validity
Therefore, as an EMDR therapist, on behalf of the research team, we are inviting you to participate in this research study. What it involves is completing the ECSS-42 via a Survey Monkey questionnaire. We estimate that the ECSS-42 will take approximately 11-15 minutes to complete. We are intending to recruit a minimum of 420 EMDR therapists internationally.
You can access the Survey Monkey version of ECSS-42 through one of two ways:
- Hyperlink: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/UWECSS-42
Dr. Derek Farrell MBE is the Lead Researcher for the project. If you have any queries or questions, then please contact: d.farrell@worc.ac.uk
The research project team also consists of the following collaborators:
o Professor Paul Miller – University of Ulster
o Lorraine Knibbs – University of Bath Spa
o Dr. Matthew Kiernan – Northumbria University
o Zeynep Zat – Institute for Change, London & DBE Institute for Behavioural Studies, Istanbul, Turkey
o Dr. Penny Papanikolpulos & Tessa Ava Prattos-Spongalides – TACT Greece
The study has ethical approval from the University of Worcester (UK)
The findings from the research project will be used in the following ways:
- To use the research data and anonymised information gathered from participants in the research project to seek new knowledge and understanding that can be derived from the information we have gathered.
- To summarise this information in written form for the purposes of dissemination (through research reports, conference papers, journal articles or other publications).
- Any information disseminated/published will be at a summary level and will be fully anonymised and pseudonymised. There will be no way of identifying your individual personal information within the published results.
- To use the summary and conclusions arising from the research project for teaching and further research purposes. Again, any information used in this way will be at a summary level and will be fully anonymised. There will be no way of identifying your individual personal information from the summary information used in this way.
What happens next?
Please keep this information sheet. If you do decide to take part, please either contact the researcher using the details above.
Thank you for taking the time to read this information. We look forward to your participation in our research.
Penny Papanikolopoulos PhD
Clinical Director of TACT HELLAS
Licensed Psychologist, Psychotherapist
EMDR-Europe Τrainer, Consultant & Practitioner
Neurofeedback Clinician
tel & Fax : +30 210 9016677
mobile +30 6972079309